
Congratulations to the 2023 euRobotics awards
winners and finalists!

The 2023 euRobotics Technology Transfer Award

the 2023 winners & finalists

1st Prize – Title: ARTHUR –  A robotic ultrasound imaging platform designed to scan the finger joints and wrists of patients​

Team: ROPCA​ – Thiusius R. Savarimuthu, Søren A. Just, Johannes Schäferhoff, Johannes C. A. Jørgensen, Anders B.H. Christensen, Martin Hubel, Dan Jakobsen, Trine Winther 

2nd Prize – Title: Leverage Robotics ToolCubes – Passive Tooling for Highest Flexibility in Robotic Multi-Task-Applications​

Team: Leverage Robotics GmbH  – Roman Weitschat, Dimitri Butsch, Jan Cremer

3rd Prize – Title: Robco​

Team: Robco​ – Paul Maroldt, Constantin Dresel, Roman Hölzl, Julian Högner, Tilman Tschoeke​

Finalist – Title: Tom – Mapping & Monitoring robot​

Team: Small Robot Co​ – Tom Walters, Sarra Mander, Alison Bosher, Ray King, Kieran Southward, Ben Scott-Robinson, Sam Watson Jones

Finalist – Title: ML4AUTOMAPPPS – Machine Learning for AUTOMAPPPS​

​Team: Michael Ortner, Massimo Ferri, Christof Eberst, Mikko Sallinen (Convergent Information Technologies GmbH/CIT), Kristina Dachtler, Alexander Schiendorfer (THI)

Finalist – Title: The Broccovator – Effortlessly harvesting broccoli with the power of robotics ​

Team: Wageningen University & research (WUR)​ – Pieter Blok, Eldert van Henten, Toon TielenKarl Thomas

About The 2023 euRobotics Technology Transfer Award

Technology transfer of both industrial and service robotics technology has a key function for European industry so that it can be and remain at the forefront of global competition. That is why euRobotics rewards technology transfer between academia and industry in this field and gives people from R&D good practices to adopt.

Take the chance and boost your technology transfer project by applying for the euRobotics Technology Transfer Award 2023 until February 15th, 2023.

The winner team receives an award, the finalists signed certificates. All benefit
from a high visibility thanks to different marketing activities offered by euRobotics also in cooperation with the European Robotics Forum #ERF2023 (March 14th-16th 2023) in Odense (ERF open house open to the public, already from Monday March the 13th at 13:00-17:00). 

Call 2023

How to apply

Your tech transfer should have taken place in robot applications, robot components, or embodied AI.

Applications are invited for a technology transfer project with individuals or – even preferred – teams from academia and industry.

The technology transfer should be in an early stage: not only research results but neither products that have been on the market for quite some years.

Your max. six pages of application should contain the following details:

  • Project information and technology transfer;
  • Participants and brief information about their organization;
  • Motivation and goals of research and development efforts;
  • State of the art and project approach;
  • Results of research and development;
  • Achieved innovation and commercial impact;
  • Cooperation between research and industry with benefit for the partners;
  • Handling of intellectual property rights and commercialization.



15 February 2023

The complete application should be sent to by 15 February 2023.

Evaluation Criteria and Selection Procedure

The expert Jury consisting of members from industry and academia/research evaluates your application.

Evaluation criteria: Achieved innovation and commercial impact is, by far, the most important criterion of the Jury (e.g., length and depth of transfer, measured in number of TRL steps that have been realized or in number of research people, patents, etc.)

Award Session at ERF2023: Each finalist has 15min time plus discussion for presenting their project. Based on the written application, the presentation and the following Q&A, the jury determines the winners who will be announced during the award ceremony.

Download the 2023 TechTransfer Awards call as pdf


the 2023 winners and finalists

Winner – Ribin Balachandran​ – (DE) TU Munich​

A Stable and Transparent Framework for Adaptive Shared Control of Robots​

Winner – Antonio Andriella​ (ES) U Politècnica de Catalunya

Personalising robot assistance for cognitive training therapy​

Finalist – Nico Mansfeld​ (DE) TU Munich​

Safety Awareness for Rigid and Elastic Joint Robots: An Impact Dynamics and Control Framework

Finalist – Johannes Lachner​ (NE) U Twente​

A Geometric Approach to Robotic Manipulation in physical Human-Robot Interaction

about the euRobotics 2023 Georges Giralt PhD Award

The aim of the “Georges Giralt Ph.D. Award” is to showcase PhD theses defended during 2022 in European Universities from all areas of robotics. Outstanding theses with strong theoretical contributions, a focus on professional applications or technology transfer, with a high degree of multidisciplinarity, or showing how robotics technologies can be applied to new domains, are eligible for the prize.

The award consists in a plaque and the publication of the thesis by Springer in the STAR series. It will be given to the winner(s) at the occasion of the next European Robotics Forum to be held the 14-16 March 2023 in Odense, Denmark (ERF open house open to the public, already from Monday March the 13th at 13:00-17:00).

Please notice:

  • The award covers the solar year but the submission deadline was November, the 30th, 2022. The candidates whose defense is planned in December need to submit as well with an integration of information after the defense.

  • The selection of the finalists will be announced mid-to end-of-February 2022, and these finalists are expected to give a 15-20 minutes presentation of their research at the Forum, since part of the award evaluation will be done on the basis of that oral presentation.

  • The oral presentation is, by default, in person. Exceptions will be handled on a case by case by informing the board.

  • The official date is the viva-voce defense. The finalists will be requested to prove it with a copy of the committee report or a mail from the tutor.

  • The eligible countries corresponds to geographical Europe + associated countries in Horizon Europe funding program. This is the current list of associated countries.

  • Self-candidatures only are accepted.

  • Submissions are done by sending an email to the George Giralt Award Committee phd.award AT after filling the form.

  • The pdf thesis file should be unchanged wrt what sent to the committee.

  • Each finalist will get a financial support for the travel of 500€ + Free ticket to ERF + free ticket to the dinner.

The jury for the Georges Giralt Ph.D. Award consists of members belonging to the academic community of euRobotics, check their names and the former award winners here.


The Georges Giralt PhD Award is a European scientific prize for extraordinary contributions in robotics. It is yearly awarded at the European Robotics Forum by euRobotics AISBL, a non-profit organisation based in Brussels with the objective to turn robotics beneficial for Europe’s economy and society.

Georges Giralt received his PhD in 1958, from the Paul Sabatier University, in the domain of electrical machines, and soon afterwards became a pioneer in robotics, in Europe and worldwide. He was especially instrumental in bringing in scientific foundations and methodology when the domain was still young, and a loose coupling of mechanical and electrical engineering, adopting the early results of automatic control.

The high reputation of the Georges Giralt PhD Award is based on the prominent role of the awarding institution euRobotics. With more than 250 member organisations, euRobotics represents the academic and industrial robotics community in Europe. Moreover, it provides the European robotics community with a legal entity to engage in a public/private partnership with the European Commission.

Entitled for participation for the Georges Giralt PhD Award are all robotics-related dissertations which have been successfully defended at a European university.

The US-American counterpart is the Dick Volz Award.


the 2023 winners and finalists

1st Prize – ROPCA

2nd Prize – ROICO Solutions

3rd Prize – RoboTwin

Finalist – MAB Robotics

Finalist – ProgHRC


About the erf2023 entrepreneurship awards

The Entrepreneurship workshop provides the ability for small innovative companies to pitch their ideas for the next big thing in robotics to a panel of technology investment experts. Entrants stand the chance to gain valuable skills in how to pitch an investment idea together with the potential to gain interest in their company from the investment community.


Call for participants

We invite all entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs in the robotics field to join the competition for the prestigious euRobotics Entrepreneurship Award.

The euRobotics Entrepreneurship Award is given out each year at the European Robotics Forum (ERF) to the most promising robotic start-up as judged by a jury of robotic entrepreneurship pioneers and experts.

Entrants to the competition stand the chance to gain interest in their company from the robotics and investment community. The 2023 edition of the Entrepreneurship Award will take place as part of the European Robotics Forum 2023, 14th – 16th March 2023 (ERF open house open to the public, already from Monday March the 13th at 13:00-17:00):

Benefits from participation

Five participants will be selected as Finalists and have ERF attendance paid for one person. The Finalists will pitch in the open Entrepreneurship Award workshop along with a robotic entrepreneurship role model and will receive a Finalists diploma and recognition in ERF and euRobotics social media.

All qualified entrants will receive feedback on their pitch and project from the screening committee and an offer of a further five hours of counselling from European-level robotic entrepreneurship experts.

The Entrepreneurship Award winner will additionally receive extended coverage on ERF social media and recognition in ERF public promotion materials and in a press release and an ERF Entrepreneurship Award winner diploma.

Please note: a cash prize will also be awarded to the 1st placed participant depending on available sponsorships. Updates will be published in this section continuously.


This event is sponsored by euRobotics aisbl and Odense Robotics. More sponsors to be announced.

Time of workshop

The Finalists workshop will take place on 15th of March at 09:05 – 10:25 and will be an open event to all registered attendees of the European Robotics Forum.


The award process is initiated with a round of private pitching and discussion sessions at which the 20 best entrants are invited to individually pitch their ideas to a panel of expert robotic entrepreneurship coaches.

These sessions will be scheduled as online meetings ahead of ERF during the second half of February and will involve each selected entrant pitching in a 10-minute slot.

The online sessions will result in five entrepreneurs going forward to the ERF Entrepreneurship Award workshop – the five finalists will do a public pitch in front of a jury of robotics entrepreneurship role models and experts. This jury will then consider the presentations and declare a winner of the Entrepreneurship Award during ERF.

The number of entrants will be restricted to a maximum of 20. The organizers team supported by some of the coaches will select the 20 most promising or innovative ideas based on the application.

Only one person per finalist will be subsidized to join the ERF event. The support is given as a flat rate contribution to travel and accommodation of € 500 per finalist and as one ticket to ERF including the ERF banquet.

In order to address the confidentiality issue, it is suggested that presentations be kept to information you are happy to be in the public domain.

The organizers will ensure that no conflict of interests arises and/or take the necessary steps to immediately mitigate any conflict of interest that should arise in connection with the competition and the handling of company information.

If there is any information that you feel is essential to your presentation, but you do not want to be fully public then this can be discussed with the coaching committee during the first sessions, but no NDA’s will be signed by the coaches.

Coaching committee, jury and role models

Qualified entrants will be followed by a team of expert coaches, who are also open to giving follow-up counselling after ERF. Robotic entrepreneurship role models and experts will form the jury and could give specific input and assistance in the further development of your investment pitch and your company.


Troels Oliver Vilms Pedersen, Danish Technological Institute,
Franziska Kirstein, Blue Ocean Robotics,
Jon Agirre Ibarbia, Tecnalia, 



How can participants contribute to, and prepare for, the workshop?

The participants are expected to have already developed an idea for a product or service and done some background work in researching the marketplace in which it could be exploited. Entries can be both individuals who have not yet established a company or teams with established companies and proof-of-technology, but without sales and turnover yet.

Judging parameters

Entrants will be coached and judged based on these parameters:
* Market position
* Product technology
* Scalability
* Team
* Roadmap

Participating and coaching

Interested participants must submit an application as an email with the following content:
1: Contact details (Name, company/affiliation, email, phone number – you must include ALL these informations)
2: Year of establishment of the company/initiation of the project
3: A presentation/your current pitch as attachment in .pptx or similar format


Application closed. Applications were to be sent by 23:00 CET on 1st February 2023 to the following email address: