Employees’ Mental Health in Human-Robot Interaction

Project cluster relation: Yes: Sister projects: https://www.mindbot.eu/; https://empower-project.eu/ 

Call: H2020-SC1-BHC-2018-2020 

(Better Health and care, economic growth and sustainable health systems) 

Areas mainly addressed: Healthcare, Ethical, Legal, Social, Economic implications of robotics 

Main questions to be answered: 

· Research results show that robot failures have potential to impact mental health of workers negatively. The goal is to reduce negative consequences of failures for the mental health of workers. How can various failure management strategies from the fields of psychology, social sciences, and innovative ideas from an engineering perspective help? 

· Both projects aim to strengthen mental health using AI-driven and digital technologies. Even though this is a well-intended goal, it also harbors hazards. What advantages and disadvantages could Occupational eMental Health (OeMH) interventions have from t 

· Research results show that optimal experience at workplace is correlated to wellbeing, mental health and enhanced productivity. Which features promote optimal experience at work? 

WS Description: The first ERF workshop to combine the views of psychology and human-robot interaction: The more workers interact with robots, the more important it gets to analyze (and improve!) the impact on their mental health. In this session two European projects, MindBot and EMPOWER, present their results, and invite to discuss three different questions in a world café format: What happens when there are deviations from the ideal work process such as robot failures that cause stressful situations and how can active failure management be used to improved mental health? What advantages and disadvantages could Occupational eMental Health (OeMH) interventions have from the company (and employers) and the employees’ perspectives? And thirdly, how can employers promote optimal experience at work in productional settings? 

Intended outcome: Workshop on recent developments in technology or applications, Workshop covering material new to ERF that the Robotics community should engage with, Workshop discussion topics of common interest, success stories, use cases, etc 

Approach: The agenda for the workshop will be as follows: 

1. Introduction (~5min) 

2. Poll : Understanding participants background and their relation to the topic (e.g., profession, research vs. academia) (~2min) 

3. Key Note: Results from EMPOWER (10min) 

4. Key Note: Results from MindBot & Introduction to Experience Sampling Method (15min) 

5. World Café Style: Interactive Tables for Discussion and Practical Experience (~37 min à 3*12min slots for each table ) 

6. Wrap-Up in plenary: Short presentation of ideas from the work in the world café (10min) 

The keynotes offer the background for the interactive part and serve to bring the audience into the right mindset. In the World Café the participants will then separate into 3 groups and each group starts at one table (= with one question/task). Every 12 minutes the group leaves their table and moves to the next. At each table the moderator quickly summarizes what has been done so far and then the new group continues. After three rounds, the plenum gets together, and the moderators present a summary of the results of their tables. Therefore, only 30mins of the 80mins will be in a typical “lecture” style, the rest will be interactive or summarizing the interactive results. We will have a fourth table for back-up in case there are too many participants. This will be an open space where they can also fill in a questionnaire.The questionnaire aims to investigate risk factors influencing well being of cobot workers. For each factor, the participant has to answer by indicating (likert scale) the importance that factor has for his/her work experience and indicate whether it has more impact on his/her physical or mental condition or both. 

The main goal is to define a general baseline of the worker’s experience interacting with collaborative robots and identify the weak points where improvement is needed. 

Contributors: Nadine Reißner, Senior UX Researcher, KUKA, confirmed, Workshop organiser, keynote & moderator 

Luca Negri, Researcher, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, confirmed, keynote 

Leticia Gonzalez Spinoglio & Aina Gabarrell Pascuet , Research, Innovation and Teaching Unit 

Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu-CIBERSAM, Barcelona, Spain, confirmed keynote & World Café moderator 

Mareike Schüle, Analyst Social Impacts of Robotics, KUKA, confirmed, World Café moderator 

Jenny Huch, UX Researcher, KUKA, confirmed, World Café moderator 

Claudia Carissoli, Researcher, Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, confirmed, World Café moderator 

Carla Dei, Communication & Product Designer, Scientific Institute IRCCS E. Medea, confirmed, World Café moderator 

Further information: https://empower-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/2022-Implementation-Strategies-Occupational-eMental-Interventions.pdf; 



Storm, F. A., Chiappini, M., Dei, C., Piaz 


· Nadine Reißner, nadine.reissner@kuka.com, KUKA

· Luca Negri, luca.negri@unimi.it, Uni Milano 

· LeticiaGonzalez Spinoglio, leticia.gonzalez@sjd.es, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu-CIBERSAM

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 302 – Floor 3
14 March - ELSE
Nadine Reißner