Industrials Applications of Miniaturised Robotics

TG relation: Miniaturised Robotics 

Areas mainly addressed: Agile Production, B2B and innovation 

Main questions to be answered: 

· How to manage the death valley from lab results to industrial products, especially for the mature spin-off with already successful products? 

· What environmental and social issues can be impacted by industrial miniaturized robotics, and how to positive impacts can be pushed forward? 

· Wide but scattered market, few suppliers: Could collaboration between miniaturized robotics companies help open the market? 

WS Description: This workshop aims to facilitate the first interaction between spin-offs in miniaturized robotics to build a global response to upcoming challenges. After more than 15 years of activity, miniaturized robotics has demonstrated the economic viability of industrial applications. However, if miniaturized robotics labs are active only to strengthen their own collaboration and visibility, and spin-off companies are just concerned with their own businesses, this could hinder the visibility and overall performance of this highly potential and dynamic robotic sector. In this workshop, we will present the current achievements of key industry players in miniaturised robotics, as well as their collaboration with academic partners. The workshop is expected to renew a global vision of academic-industrial cooperation and will impact the responsiveness of miniaturized robotics to future challenges. 

Intended outcome: Workshop discussion topics of common interest, success stories, use cases, etc, Workshop on recent developments in technology or applications, Workshop covering material new to ERF that the Robotics community should engage with 

Approach: The goal of the WS is to let people meet and discuss to create and a highly inclusive miniaturized robotic community, not only relying on academics. The workshop will be organized in the form of short presentations of successful industrial achievement (crossing the valley of death), and a vision for the future. 

The workshop will be followed by a panel discussion, which will probably continue after the workshop. 

Tentative agenda: (80 min) 

* 5-6 Presentations from industrial speakers (50-60 minutes) 

* Panel discussion, both industrial and academic (20-30 minutes, the time may not be sufficient, the additional discussion will be continued after the workshop) 

Contributors: – M. Philippe Beaulieu, Mecademic, Canada, confirmed 

– M. David Heriban, Percipio Robotics, France, confirmed 

– Prof. Sinan Haliyo, Univ. Paris Sorbonne, France, confirmed 

– Dr. Ziyu Ren, Max Plank Institute, Germany, confirmed 

– Dr Maxence Leveziel, FEMTO-ST, France, confirmed 

– Dr. Fabian von Kleist-Retzow, Univ. Oldenburg, Germany, confirmed 


· David Hériban,, Percipio Robotics

· Isabelle Faggianelli,, Percipio Robotics 

· QuanZhou,, Aalto University 

· Michaël Gauthier,, FEMTO-ST

Event Timeslots (1)

Room 107 – Floor 1
15 March - Mechatronics and Hardware
David Hériban