Welcome reception

welcome reception sponsor


Date: 14 March 2023, 18:00 – 20:00

Location: Storms Pakhus

The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) sponsors the ERF2023 Welcome Reception at the very popular Storms Pakhus in Odense. At Storm Pakhus you can eat at the many exciting food stalls, have a drink at the bar and just talk and mingle with all the other robot enthusiasts.


Upon arrival at Storms Pakhus to your conference badge will be scanned and you will be given an “Eventyrkort” (“Adventure card”) used to get food and drinks. There is a 15% discount in the bar, so make sure to show your conference badge here also.

When you leave Storms Pakhus there will be a white mailboks with a sign on it. Please put your “Eventyrekort” in this mailboks before exiting.

Date: 14 March 2023, 18:00 – 20:00

Location: Storms Pakhus


The Danish Technological Institute (DTI) sponsors the ERF2023 Welcome Reception at the very popular Storms Pakhus in Odense. At Storm Pakhus you can eat at the many exciting food stalls, have a drink at the bar and just talk and mingle with all the other robot enthusiasts.