Room 200 – Floor 2

euRobotics Entrepreneurship Award
15 March - Awards
Oliver Pedersen

PhD award finalists pitches
14 March - Awards
Gianluca Antonelli

Mechatronics: Present and future
16 March - Mechatronics and Hardware
Wesley Roozing

Autonomous self-recharging drones for infrastructure inspection
15 March - Maintenance-Inspection
Emad Samuel Malki Ebeid

Cobots bring solutions to the challenges in manufacturing.
16 March - Specific operating environments
Yulin Wang

Robotics and AI for Sustainable Recycling and Remanufacturing
14 March - Sustainability
Sharath Chandra Akkaladevi

I&M robotics into day-2-day operations: Learning across value-chains
15 March - Maintenance-Inspection
Aksel Transeth

Aerial robotics: from local operations to long range applications
15 March - Specific operating environments
Antidio Viguria

What properties should have robots for new nuclear industry ?
14 March - Specific operating environments
Ladislav Vargovcik