15 March 2023

Towards Autonomous Space Robots: Challenges from Realistic Field Tests

Areas mainly addressed: Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics  Main questions to be answered:  · What are the main scientific/technical challenges for robotic applications in planetary/space exploration in comparison to terrestrial, mobile field robots?  · How can the collaboration and exchange between the different space and field robot stakeholders in the EU be improved to […]

Sustainable Living – Sustaining Life: Final Frontiers in Space

Areas mainly addressed: Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics, space robotics  Organizers Juha Röning juha.roning@oulu.fi University of Oulu Jari Joutsenvaara jari.joutsenvaara@oulu.fi Kerttu Saalasti Institute University of Oulu Rauno Heikkilä rauno.heikkila@oulu.fi University of Oulu Objective and expected outcome Space is the final frontier for humankind. This workshop will focus on the technical and non- technical requirements for […]

Success stories from EU funded projects

Project cluster relation: Yes: Organised by the EC but bringing various EU funded projects – their commonality is that they will be selected as they can display appealing success stories.  Areas mainly addressed: depending on the selection (which will happen only if the WS is approved)  Main questions to be answered:  · Presentation of success […]

10th Workshop on Hybrid Production Systems – Part 2

Areas mainly addressed: Agile Production, Robotics and AI/Big Data Value, Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics, Cybersecurity in Robotics  Main questions to be answered:  · What are the latest technologies developed in the HPS?  · Which are the main challenges that the above technologies could address?  · What are the barriers that prevent the researchers/developers […]

10th Workshop on Hybrid Production Systems – Part 1

Project cluster relation: Yes: HE call 1: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING and HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN  Areas mainly addressed: Robotics and AI/Big Data Value, Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics, AI and smart robots serving the Green deal, At work, human-centric approaches  Main questions to be answered:  · Presentation of the new Horizon Europe project: the Network of Excellence Centres in […]

Horizon Europe – New Robotics & AI projects

Project cluster relation: Yes: HE call 1: HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING and HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN  Areas mainly addressed: Robotics and AI/Big Data Value, Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics, AI and smart robots serving the Green deal, At work, human-centric approaches  Main questions to be answered:  · Presentation of the new Horizon Europe project: the Network of Excellence Centres in […]

3D Printing in Robotics

TG relation: Industrial Robotics  Areas mainly addressed: Agile Production, Robotics and AI/Big Data Value  Main questions to be answered:  · What new areas and new applications will be opened up by robot-based 3D printing in the future?  · What new capabilities will robots gain from advanced additive manufacturing technologies in the future?  WS Description: In […]

Humanoid & legged robots: pushing the limits of performance

Areas mainly addressed: Robotics and AI/Big Data Value, Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics  Main questions to be answered:  · How can we push the boundaries further in what is achievable with humanoid and legged robots?  · Do you think AI is going to replace the classical/optimal control approach used for legged robots?  · Do […]

Aerial robotics: from local operations to long range applications

TG relation: Aerial Robotics  Areas mainly addressed: Maintenance and Inspection, Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics, Logistics and Urban Air Mobility applications  Main questions to be answered:  · Which are the main challenges that prevent the increment of long-range applications with aerial robots?  · Which are the main aerial robotics technologies that could have a […]

AI and robotics in care. The sustainability of care for older adults.

TG relation: Sustainability Areas mainly addressed: Healthcare, Robotics and AI/Big Data Value, Ethical, Legal, Social, Economic implications of robotics, B2B and innovation, Net Zero/Sustainability, Autonomy, Collaborative Robots and cloud robotics  Main questions to be answered:  · What have we learned from past robotics projects and what are the main challenges with the use of healthcare […]